When you are trying to determine the Next Step in your Coaching, Career Transition(s), Leadership/Organizational Development, or Healthy Lifestyle Change, it is important to look down the road . . . but keep the VALUE of the experiences you have had in the past in your Rear View Mirror! Specific Coaching Strategies for Stepping Stones Coaching & Consulting:
1. How does coaching assist individuals with Leadership, Advancing Coaching Expertise, For Organizational and/or Coaching Executives/Managers to Improve Customer and Team Relationships in order to reach higher targets and Quotas?
Coaching creates an environment where there is freedom from judgment and expectations that executive behave according to typical administrative or corporate mandates. In the coaching relationship it is safe to question, to appear vulnerable, to observe, to explore, experiment, to learn and change. Frequently, understanding one’s Emotional Intelligence knowledge and skills can be improved to allow the executive to use the coach:
(This may require coaching the administrative or management team to assist them to grow, work together, and stay out of each other’s way to reach extraordinary goals).
2. How do I use the opportunities for Group Coaching? Periodically Stepping Stones Coaching offers opportunities for former clients and new clients to participate in groups to achieve common goals or pursue similar ‘preferred tomorrows”. One major common goal is the need for mentoring coaches at all levels: ACC, PCC, and MCC! Generally, group coaching sessions serve a important purpose for differing client's needs Occasionally the sessions may be linked to content with a short time focused on content, then each individual will identify ways to apply or integrate the mutually agreed upon content and action steps into the goal or purpose of the group coaching experience. Groups generally range from 3 or 4 people with no more than 8 persons. One of the benefits of group coaching is that the individual benefits from the wisdom and experience of all group members, yet is still responsible for their own personal or professional growth. Examples of group coaching topics include:
3. How does Group and Individual Mentoring of Coaching assist with renewal or advancement of ICF Credentialing? Mentor coaching is offered to individuals and groups in flexible, but required ways to achieve their ICF or ICHWC Coaching Goals! Get a group of your coaching colleagues together or come and join a group already in place to achieve up-to-sever of the 10 hours required. We will work with you to assist you, meet your needs and assist you in achieving your coaching goals!
4. How does coaching assist individuals, groups and organizations with Healthy Lifestyle Change? Coaching is ideally suited to assist individuals, groups and organizations who are interested in organizational development, leadership development and/or health-related lifestyle change. With greater knowledge about the science of behavior change, coaches are the emerging solution for every aspect of change! Whether the 'client agenda' is stress management, healthy weight targets, smoking cessation, or improving activity and movement for health, health and wellness coaching is the 'new answer'! For individuals and organizations, healthy behaviors enhance satisfaction with life, productivity, and celebrating a fulfilling life. Also, with emerging technologies and the ability to obtain 'just-in-time evidence' of health behavior change (individually and organizationally) through the use of all types of wearable technologies (such as wrist watches and other self-monitoring mHealth devices, individuals and their coaches can track progress! Generally individuals know their own risks because the family history is still one of the best predictors. Sometimes clients seek assistance in managing known health risks; sometimes clients have evidence of risks that have been identified through health markers (test results); and sometimes the client is managing a chronic condition in the midst of daily living/responsibilities. For all these purposes, health and wellness coaching is the answer! The key is to identify the next steps, the actions to be taken, and to move forward with the support of the health and wellness experienced coach. This is particularly true today with the emerging knowledge about genomics and specifically 'Precision Health' which informs both the client and the coach about what we know about 'neutrigenomics' - meaning how the client's genetics inform metabolism of substances such as: caffeine, sugar, salt, etc., and how fast the individual's body 'uptakes' the nutritional substance! Also, which type of 'activity or exercise' might be preferable for better results! This discussion of health and wellness coaching cannot be concluded without mentioning that critical importance of SLEEP and REST!
5. How does coaching Assist Individuals needing career/life transitions? Coaching is ideally suited to assist individuals with life and career transitions . . . those that are planned and those that just "happen". Sometimes the unplanned career changes provide the most unique opportunity for pursuing a client's real passion or calling. For career transitions, clarifying the qualities or aspects of future employment in the context of one' s passion/calling (rather than focusing on the job)opens new doors and opportunities. The first step is seeking clarity and awareness of the desires of the heart and how differing opportunities are matched with signature strengths, preferences and values. Then brainstorming for likely and even unlikely possibilities for expressing one’s passion/calling in new and meaningful ways. The key is to identify the next steps, the actions to be taken, and to move forward with the support of the coach. The role of the coach is to ask the powerful questions, help the client move their agenda forward towards the new directions. New awareness and sometimes taking short-term opportunities in context of longer-term passion/calling is the answer.
6. How do Entrepreneurs or Small Business Owners Use a Coach? The coach creates a safe environment allowing the client to explore, brainstorm, and experiment with new ideas/strategies needed for new directions. Yet, there is sufficient structure and powerful questions related to the development of the important aspects of setting up a business to assist the client in being realistic amidst their vision. This allows the executive to use the coach to:
7. How does the academic or business professional seeking a promotion (and/or tenure) use coaching? Coaching is perfect for those interested in advancing careers and achieving the next step on the ladder. Determining how this goal fits into the larger picture of one's life and dreams is the first step. Then, designing the plan according to the corporation and/or academic institution's requirements is next. Sometimes, the most significant challenge to the individual is that they may be their own worst enemy or have not calculated the cost of time and energy required. Coaching assists the client in becoming aware of their own blocks or barriers inside, and overcoming these to accomplish preferred new role and goal. The coach provides support and assists the client in developing strategies to address procrastination, lack of focus and possible problems with believe in self. The client's preferred tomorrow - regardless of the career transition . . . begins with taking the next step!
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